Wednesday 25 May 2011

Blogs of Note

I'm certain everyone who blogs wants to expand their Followers list and to also add themselves to new and interesting blogs. Trouble is, it's not that simple. Much of blog hunting is rather like speed dating or dropping into a singles bar in your own neighborhood. In other words, you either find new blogs instantly dismissible or the blogs are so interconnected to one another they feel like you’re at one more family and neighbor barbecue.

That’s were Blogs of Note comes in ... Blogger is supposedly providing noteworthy blogs for our enjoyment and linkage.

Trouble is, most of the Blogs of Note are definitely not noteworthy. In fact, some just flat out stink, some are beyond lame while others are worse than rejected Hallmark cards. Blogger is either yanking us off or they’re making selections based upon a random draw.

Of course there are exceptions.

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